13 December 2017


alice catherine lizzy hayfield shot from the street best uk fashion bloggers

It's hard to say the exact reason as to why I started blogging, to be honest it's a whole number of different reasons. One thing, I do know that is that I was very much inspired blogs (duh). Youtube, has definitely taken over the world but it's got nothing on blogs. I always find myself going back and back to reading blogs.

For me, my blog is somewhere I can make externalise my thoughts, creative and feelings. It helps me to make sense of my saturated mind but not only that it's my own platform. It feel refreshing to have full control, of all the aspects and how I choose to present myself on this little space. I wanted to share some of the blogs that have been fully engrossed my attention and left me wanting to up my blogging game.

Shot From the Street : Not only is Lizzy, doing her own thing and may I add very well, she makes everything look good (her sense of style I could write a whole post dedicated to her style, it's goals - and yes I have just said goals). She is creating incredible content, I love how I can just go to her blog and go through the photos and be inspired because the visuals are so good that they tell their own story. You know what, it almost feels like going through someone's personal photo album, there something magical and personal about it. I am obsessed with her aesthetic!!! It's really nice because it's so easy to fall into a trap when you're blogging to produce ''typical'' content that will get the clicks and likes and she stepping far far away from that it's a fresh breath of air.

3 blogs you have to reading

In my Sunday Best : I very recently came across Sade's blog, and boy have I been missing out on a lot. She has this way of writing that makes her content feel so important, that you just have to stop and read it. But it's delivered in lighthearted way so that it's easy to take in. I have lost many hours, catching up with all her old posts. A hidden gem. 

Alice Catherine : Another more recent discovery, is Alice Catherine. I first came across Alice on Instagram and I very quickly fell in love with her natural very real in that girl next door way. She seems so normal and relatable. I adore her blog, her writing comes across as very natural and friendly. It's almost as if I having a chat with a old friend. What I love the most about blogging is the realness and rawness - I feel like a lot blogs have become so edited and Alice is bringing a bit of that old school blogging back, and I am here for that. If you haven't checked her blog out, I recommend you don't waste anymore time. 

I have some many favourite blogs, but honestly I can't think of them at this minute. Don't you hate it  when this happens, when you can't remember the things you like, completely disappears from your mind. What is your favourite colour? Errrrrrrr Errrr...  I don't know 

Let me know what your current favourite blogs are and I will definitely giving them a visit.

Zeynab x