According to popular belief, our skin does it magic while we sleep. It makes sense, that we bring out the big guns as part of our evening skincare routine (for me I know that I don't have the time for a long-winded routine in the morning need as much sleep as possible). My skin has been looking really good at the moment (hopefully I haven't jinxed it) and I have been getting so many compliments- completely foreign to me, as my skin hasn't always been on my side and you probably already if you have read my previous post.
My trusty cleanser, I always find myself going back to the Oskia Resinsannace cleansing gel. The weather isn't doing our skins any favours. For me especially, dullness is a big problem and it's my top propriety to brighten up my complexion. The Oskia cleansing gel is formulated with a potent combination of enzyme and vitamins that work to reveal a brighter and healthy looking skin. I use it for both my morning and evening cleanse, the gel to oil formula gives rise to the opportunity to massage into the skin before I wash it off with a flannel. My skin always looks good, whenever I use the cleanser. I'll follow that with the TimeBomb Complexion Cocktail with a shot of Chlorophyll* (now that is a mouth full). This 'cocktail' is specifically formulated to counteract the effects of free radicals, it contains Chlorophyll that acts as a protective agent against the effects of free radicals. It provides a gentle exfoliation and leaves my skin super fresh feeling.
There is a big buzz around probiotic at the moment in the skincare world. I occasionally take probiotic supplements and I think it helps to keep blemishes at bay but this is the first I have stepped into the territory of probiotic skincare. The Hydrasmooth Cellex - C enhancer moisturiser features a unique probiotic extract, which promotes healthier and more radiant complexion. I thoroughly enjoy using this product, again I use it both in the mornings and evenings. The consistency is super creamy but not heavy. Honestly, it leaves my skin feeling so soft, silky and plump. If my skin is feeling extra dry on top of that I will go in with the Samaya Anti-aging treatment oil Kapha*. I don't have any wrinkles or fine lines yet but you know what they say the best cure is prevention. This oil feels super luxurious and just absorbs into the skin almost instantly. I had never heard of this brand before, but there is a little test you do before hand, which matches your lifestyle to a specific range of products. This particular oil, contains Ashwagandha, Sandalwood, Vetivert and Frankincense that work together to leave the skin looking more youthful, radiant and whilst also leaving you feeling tranquil. It's a nice way to end my skincare routine, I really massage into my skin and I see the effects the morning after. My skin is just glowing.
For my skin, retinol works an absolute treat. When my skin was really bad, retinol based products were my saviours. on alternate nights, I have been using the Merumaya Retinol Resurfacing Treatment*. This treatment uses the maximum dosage of vitamin A permitted in a product, and I still find it gentle on the skin. I am dealing with a lot of pigmentation and scarring on my skin because of acne and I have been using this product for at least two months. I have noticed they are less visibly, which is a good step in the right direction.
I have the opportunity to try a lot of products, but sometimes the best thing for your skin is to find a routine and stick with it for a while. I have super sensitive skin and using a regular and stable skincare routine has had major pros on my skin. Let me know what your night time saviours are.
Zeynab x
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