19 May 2015

Ten Things To Watch On Netflix Right Now

Netflix has changed my life, if you have been reading my blog for a while now you know I am kind of a TV addict, yep. I love watching a good TV series, especially a good binge session and with Netflix it's so easy to do that and waste  take up some much of your time. I just wanted to share with you some of the TV I have been watching on Netflix lately.

1. Merlin:
I watched this when it was on the telly but I never got a chance to finish it, so I have been watching the last season. I love Merlin, it's a fantasy adventure drama sort of like Games of Thrones but more realistic (sort of realistic).

2. House of Cards:
I have heard some much good things about this show, so you know I had to get on the bandwagon before I was too late (maybe I am already late).

3. Mad Men:
This is one of my favourite shows ever, I am so sad that it's officially ending (so so sad). I love how this show is very realistic and follows real life events that occurred during that time period. It's very interesting and the characters are amazing.

4. Orange Is The New Black:
Another show I am watching because of the hype, the hype just gets me all the time. Basically it's based on a true story about a middle class woman, who goes into prison. I have watched the first episode and so far so good.

5. Suits:
I really like Suits, it's clever, funny and grown up (I watch a lot of teen dramas, I know). I am just trying to catch up with all episode I have missed and I am really enjoying.

6. Louis Theroux LA Stories:
I am big fan of Louis Theroux's documentaries but I really enjoyed the LA Stories series. You get to see the unglamorous side of LA which is never portrayed on TV, it's just so sad and kinda creepy. I would totally recommend checking them out, you will never see LA in the same again.

7. Breaking Bad:
I know I know I know, I still haven't watched this and I know it's supposed to be really good but I haven't had the chance. I am starting now, and I just hope it's as good as everyone says.

8. Fargo:
I have been hearing a lot of my American friends talk about this show, and I have watched the first episode and it's really good actually. It's quite dark and really funny, good show.

9. House:
I love a good medical TV drama, I always find myself drawn to medical, crime related shows. There is something about House, I like that it's really clever and I don't know I like how it makes you feel sort of involved while they are trying to figure out the medical condition.  Hugh Laurie is amazing in it, definitely recommend it.

10. Buffy The Vampire Slayer:
I remember watching this when I was younger, I was obsessed, definitely started my obsession with vampires. I love just having it on in the background when I am working. It's nice just to watch something you used to watch, now that you have grown up because you see things in different light (it's so cheesy).

Let me know what your favourite shows are on Netflix.

P.S You know what will go nicely with a good TV binge session, Oreo cheesecake and it's very easy to make.


  1. :D!! You and I have the same taste in shows! I've seen Breaking Bad (it's WORTH every ounce of hype it gets, trust me), Orange is the New Black (RIDICULOUSLY addicting ahh), and House of Cards (I LOVE CLAIRE!) all the way through and I've started Suits!! Another show I love on Netflix is Better Off Ted; it's quirky, office-y and amusing to watch. I'll definitely give the others a try too, since I'm bound to like them!! <33 Great list!

    xoxoxox, Naomi | http://bunnyandfawn.blogspot.com/

  2. Jenny // thatnortherngal20 May 2015 at 01:08

    I had no idea Mad Men was on Netflix, I've been wanting to watch it for ages!

    Jenny | That Northern Gal

  3. I love OINTB, can't wait for the next season to come onto Netflix!

    Laura | www.laurahadley.co.uk


  4. Oooh, I will definitely give some of these a go after I finish Once Upon A Time - have you seen it?

    What a beautiful and inspirational post - so proud of you for sharing things like this and giving your readers such honesty!

    princessparasox.wordpress.com // bloglovin'

  5. I love Orange Is The New Black! I've just started watching again to catch up before series 3 comes out! And Suits is another favourite :)

    Ellie x

  6. I'm loving Person of Interest at the moment. Before that, I was all over Top of the Lake. I can't wait for the new season of OITNB next month too!
