You may or may not know that I am trying to restore, you can't restore your hair to better condition can you? Maybe repair that is a better word for it, yes I am trying to repair years of heat styling and just laziness when it comes to my haircare. Having really dry hair doesn't help the situation, I have to be careful about the shampoos I use. Too many shampoos just strip your hair of all in my just that little bit of oil that is in my hair. This was the main reason, I was considering co-washing some of you might be thinking what the hell is co-washing? And no I am not my washing my hair with someone else (that's what my sister first thought, when I told her I was going to be doing co-washing), in fact it doesn't even involve another human being. Co-washing, short for conditioner washing as you may have now guessed is basically swapping out your shampoo for a cleansing conditioner. It probably sounds insane to some, especially if you have an oilier scalp but go with me on this there is some science (I think) to this.
I was lucky enough to be asked to be a part of a blogger Wen testing project. It couldn't have come at a better time really, it sort of forced me to ditch the shampoo and see for myself what the hype around the Wen cleansing conditioner was. I have heard so much about the Wen brand, Claire from Hey Claire on youtube is obsessed with it and she has amazing hair. For the project, I have to commit to using only Wen products on my hair and this obviously includes the Wen cleansing conditioner for 2 weeks. The starter kit* includes the cleansing conditioner, anti-frizz styling creme, nourishing mousse, replenishing treatment mist, straightening smoothing gloss and the re-moist intensive hair treatment (spoiler alert but this mask is AMAZING).
I am really excited to see how my hair gets on with the cleaning conditioner. I love the feeling of super clean hair (I know that it's not good for my hair type) and I am apprehensive about achieving that same feeling with a cleansing conditioner. We will just have to see, make sure you come back for a full review but if the rest of the products are even half as good as the treatment mask then I will have good things to say about the range.
Let me if anyone of you have tried the Wen cleansing conditioner or any of the other products?
Zeynab x
Make sure you are following on Bloglovin, that way you NEVER miss a post
Let me if anyone of you have tried the Wen cleansing conditioner or any of the other products?
Zeynab x
Make sure you are following on Bloglovin, that way you NEVER miss a post

* PR sample
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