5 January 2015

5 Beauty resolutions To Live By in 2015

new years resolutions 2015

It's back to work for most of us, I am really going to miss the holidays. I know I am being greedy but I could use more time off work, we all could right ? I am not one for resolutions because I don't really stick them. But I have decided to make some beauty resolutions, which I am going to try really hard to stick to all year round not just during January.
  1. Don't be afraid to try out new beauty trends, I always stick to very similar if not the same makeup looks all the time. I am not confident enough to step out of my comfort zone but 2015 is the year that this will change. I don't know if I will be making any drastic changes but I am going to be more open to it. 
  2. Make more use of my products, as well as being boring with my makeup looks I tend to stick to the same products. I am going to attempt to use more of my makeup products that I have hidden deep within my stash especially the palettes which never tend to get out. 
  3. Sort out my makeup collection, my beauty stash is definitely getting bigger and bigger. I am going to attempt to organise and declutter my beauty collection I have things from 2-3 years ago, I have attachment issues I can't bare to throw away some of my favourite things (so gross). I am going throw away, everything that I can't use anymore even my favourite lipstick from god knows when. Give away everything that I don't use, and surprisingly there is a lot of these products that need a new home.
  4. Don't give into all the latest beauty release, I get caught up in the hype of new products really easily and I find myself lusting after every product and making every excuse under the sun as to why I need to get that product. I have to break this habit because it's not great for my bank and it's just adding to my ever growing beauty stash.
  5. Manage my spending on beauty products, this year I am going to attempt to not buy any new products before I have used up an old product. This is going to be quite hard because I never do this but this a big part of the problem of my huge collection. 
I really hope that I stick to these beauty resolutions, I know they are quite easy to make but the hard part is definitely sticking to them. Have you made any beauty resolutions this year?

Zeynab x


  1. This post has made me think about some of my own beauty habits which I definitely need to change, especially managing my spend and using up old products rather than buying new! I stumbled across your blog via twitter and would just like to let you know how fantastic I think it is; so organised and detailed! I will definitely be following from now on :)
    - Jodie x

  2. I definitely need to manage my spending when it comes to beauty products because I have a tendency to go overboard

  3. Tell me about it, we are out of control. xx

  4. Thank you so much for your kind words.

  5. great resolutions, and definitely all the same things that i started doing right at the end of 2014 and that i want to continue into 2015. i also really want to use up more skincare products rather than having a whole bunch open at the same time, i just need to use one or two of each thing at a time and not go crazy with it.

  6. Organising my makeup is also one of my new year's resolution. It's so disorganised at the moment I'm on the verge of having a panic attack. lol I also really want to give in less to releases and hype and have a more sensible shopping habit in 2015. :) x

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK

  7. I am trying to make use of all my products, this is my resolution every year! Always seem to buy more though...

    Jenny - www.jnylng.blogspot.co.uk

  8. I've decided to do a monthly 'INs' post on my blog to help me see just how much beauty stuff gets added to my stash- like an empties post in reverse I suppose!

    Beauty boxes are to blame...I just can't resist a surprise!

    Katrina | thechatterfox.com

  9. Sorting out my makeup collection every season helps me to use new products that I forgot about! x


  10. That is a good idea, definitely need to start doing that x
