''If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?"
For me the answer is always going to be my skin, well that is until I have clear and then it will be the next thing (always the case). From the age of about 23 my skin has been ambushed by acne (don't you just hate the word acne). To begin with I wasn't the most confident person, and now with the acne my confident has taken a severe drop. I feel extremely uncomfortable in my own skin and I find myself looking down because I am worried that people are going to look at my skin and they do.Which just makes me a whole load more paranoid and stressed about the situations.
A couple of days back I watched a documentary on the relationship between acne and depression, and 1 in 7 individuals that suffer from acne have depression, which is frightening. What is even more frightening is that I notice the depressive tendencies in myself and it's all down to the acne.
My skin has a way to go in terms of acne but when the acne goes I am still left with the dark scars and marks. I have tried various products that claim to work to improve the appearance of acne scarring and to be honest nothing has worked expectational (nevertheless I do really like the Clarins Gentle Exfoliating Toner). I was very intrigued to try the Banish acne scarring range, it has been popping up all over social media and it looked very promising.
Banish Pen Banisher & Vitamin C Serum*:
I was little apprenshive at poking essentially metal needles at my skin, I assume anyone would be. Skin needling is a big skincare trend, the claim is that it works to stimulate collagen and elastin production. This in turn results in smooth skin and promotes the reduction of scarring. Together with the vitamin c serum, I have been using the pen for about a month now. My skin does look a lot better, and my scarring is definitely looking a lot less noticeable. I feel like the pen works really well to allow the serum to sink into skin, so that serum works to it's full potential. I have incorporated the serum into my skincare routine so that I use it twice a week and the pen once every other week just because my skin is super sensitive.
I was really surprised by the consistency of the serum, it's really lightweight but it feels like an oil but it's not oily in texture (I hope you get the picture). The main ingredient of the serum is obviously vitamin c (tah dah complete with jazz hands), vitamin c is amazing for lightening dark spots and scars which explains why I have seen a difference in my skin.
Pumpkin Enzyme Mask*:
The stand out product for me, this mask combines a group powerful natural ingredients that include pumpkin, orange, lemon & bilberry as well as AHAs, zinc and vitamins A & C to clear and brighten the skin. I love a mask that gives you instant results and with this mask you can expect just that. As it is a exfoliating mask, it does tingle upon application but that goes away very quickly other than that I haven't had any problems with the application of the mask it's really simple to use. Your skin will look brighter and clearer and feel super smooth because of the exfoliating properties.
Let me know if you have tried anything from this range before.
Zeynab x
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