20 May 2015

Facial Hygiene 101: Things You Can Do To Prevent Blemishes

how to get off spots what is causing you have blemishes Hi guys,
The majority of us normal beings get the odd blemish if we are lucky but for those of us that are really unlucky we have to suffer with an army of blemishes. We all want ''good'' skin right ? I know I do and so we invest quite a lot of time and money into achieving this. However we can't control all the factors that affect the condition of our skin but there are some factors that we can control and that are often overlooked.

Our hands carry a lot of bacteria (a lot of it), we touch some many things throughout the day and so the bacteria and dirt just accumulates. Now imagine touching your face with those hands, not good. I for one, touch my face a lot, which is so disgusting and I do it without even realising it. By touching our faces we are transferring the dirt onto our face and this could result in blemishes. Try to keep your hands away from face as much as possible throughout the day, it's hard but when you make a conscious effort you will do it less often.

Pillow Cases:
When you don't change your pillowcases regularly, there is a build up of dirt and oil. This dirt can be from your room, your hair and even your skin and so when we sleep on that same pillowcase we just transfer it back onto our skin. This dirt and oil can clog up your pores and we all know that is bad especially for those of us with acne prone skin. Changing your pillowcases every 2-3 days, can solve this problem.

We use our phone nearly all the time, and it can certainly hoard a lot of dirt. It's in our bags with god know what and we are constantly touching it and then we bring it to our faces for phone calls. It's all to do with transferring dirt onto our skin. This transference leads to clogged pores which results in blemishes. The best thing to do is to use wipes to clean your phone or just to go handset free.

These factors only affect some of us, and it may not even cause a single blemish for others. For me I always had blemishes on one side of my face and since I started to change my pillowcases regularly and wipe down my face, they have decreased. The most important thing to remember is to be careful about what makes contact with our face.

Zeynab x


  1. Thanks for the reminders :) One thing I always forget is cleaning my cellphone-- good idea to use wipes, makes it easier! MissRubyRoo | Beauty Blog

    1. no problem make sure you, I often forget as well so bad.

  2. This is a really good post, I had never thought about the pillowcase thing before!



  3. Great post. I didn't even think about my phone touching my face when I'm making calls but I tend to clean my phone screen and case often anyway


    1. thx u, I know its crazy all the small things that make a difference.

  4. This is such a good post, I'm so guilty of always touching my face without realising...I need to stop! xx

    Sophie/ www.prettyandpolished.co.uk

    1. thx u, me too I am constantly touching my face and its worse when I have a spot I can't stop touching it. Its so bad I really want to stop but its so hard.
