26 October 2017


As a self-described skincare junkie, I am always trying out new brands and products (one of 15 reasons why I love blogging for the rest check out). Instagram is such a great tool for finding new brands. I came across Erno Laszio on Instagram and instantly had to get my hands on some of the products. The cool minimal aesthetic and the raving reviews did it for me, anything that is remotely branded as insta cool I am over (goodness what is my life). 

When the brand reached and asked if I wanted to try a couple products, I didn't waste a minute before I said yes. I received the products sometime in July, so I have been testing for a good 3 months.
I am just getting into essences, you could argue that it's another fancy step but I love skincare and my first experience into essences was the DHC essence, which was AMAZING (I have a full review, read it).

The Erno Laszio White Marble Essence Lotion has more of a liquid consistency in comparison to the DHC one but I find that it absorbs incredibly into the skin. A good skincare routine is all about layering products, at least that is what I have read somewhere. I pat it into my skin after cleansing and before applying any sort of serum. It just leaves my skin looking plump and refreshed. I think that it's really nice for this time of year, my skin just needs that extra bit of hydration. The formula is packed with Glycerin, which works to attract and retain moisturise in the skin.

I know that we have come very far when it comes to using soap to wash our faces but there is something about the Erno Laszlo White Marble Cleansing Bar (also it's technically not a soap). The fact that it comes in a bar, makes it so easy to use and I love the really cute packaging looks super fancy in my bathroom. I have really dull complexion, it's the bane of my life. Having included this bar into my routine introduces a gentle exfoliation that means the dullness is kept at bay. Also because it's super gentle it doesn't mean that I am not over doing it with the exfoliation. The bar makes use of fruit acids that break down dirt and exfoliate deep within the pores. One more thing, it doesn't leave with you that tight squeaky clean feeling. 

One of the most luxurious moisturisers I have ever used, the Erno Laszlo White Marble Night Moisturiser. If it was good enough Audrey Hepburn, it's mostly certainly good enough for me. Erno Laszlo's 'White Marble' range is all about balancing tone, illuminating and correcting hyper pigmentation  Which makes it perfect for my skin. This moisturiser is infused with Chinese Plum Extract and Active Complex to help bring back luminosity and to work at reducing the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigementation. Also, it just feel incredible on the skin, like it's a real treat to apply at the end of my routine. My skin is going through an oily patch, so I am staying as far away from heavy moisturisers and this is so lightweight and skins into your face. It's worth every penny. 

Have you tried anything from the Erno Laszlo range?

Zeynab x

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