3 October 2017


best setting powders all skin tones

The lifestyle of the modern woman calls for makeup to last, pretty much the start of the day til the end of the night. Products specifically designed to improve staying power are an integral part of any good makeup collection. Perhaps the least glamorous makeup product, nonetheless the most paramount and conventional way ensure that your makeup lasts longer, the setting powder. A good powder prevents shine but doesn't leave you looking flat and most certainly does not compromise on glow (the good kind). It looks and feels undetectable on the skin, absorbs excess oil without clinging to dry patches. In today's post I wanted to share with you 3 of my favourite loose powders and this is coming from a girl that A. doesn't like fuss and B. doesn't particularly like powders in general. 

Without a doubt my favourite setting powders, if it's good enough for Kim Kardashian, well it is good enough for me. Aside from the fact that the Ben Nye powder is pivotal to achieving flawless skin that the Kardashians are famous for. The yellow powder leaves you with an airbrush effect that blurs imperfections, brightens the complexion and locks in place your makeup. As someone with a darker skin tone, I am always a little wary of white powders. Some do look visibly on the skin and I don't want to go around looking like Kasper the friendly ghost even if he is super cute. The yellow tint works to colour correct redness in the skin, well also neutralising under eye circles. I should probably add that the powder doesn't leave you looking yellow like a character out of the Simspons, so we are good on that front. It blends away into nothingness. 

setting powder flaws how to make makep last longer
The infamous Laura Mercier powder, loved by everyone in the beauty community. Aims to create a soft natural glowing complexion. The powder contains unique light reflecting, micro-refined spherical silica powders that give a soft-focus finish. The soft-focus effect works to blur imperfections and the look of fine lines but never settling into fine lines, pores and never resulting in a cakey heavy finish. They are not joking when that say fine. This powder is so finely milled, it's almost undetectable on the skin and feels incredibly comfortable on the skin. 

dark skin tones loose powder how to make up last longer
The underdog in the loose powder world. This powder doesn't get the recognition it deserves. Comparable to high-end powders, the Vichy offering works to set and lock makeup in place increasing makeup staying power. The fine micro powder boasts a natural matte finish, that has the same properties as the high coverage long lasting Derma Blend foundation. Works on all skin tones, because blends sheer so you don't have to worry about being left with a white cast. 

I am not going to sit here and lie to guys. Loose powder is a messy business. The fact that they are so messy, stops me reaching for them on a daily basis. However, there is no denying their powers. Especially when it comes to dramatically improving makeup staying power. And for that reason, I find myself reaching for them again and again.

Are you a fan of loose powders? Let me know your favourite or if there are any pressed powders that trump loose powders. 

I am gonna leave a link up to yesterday's post here, something for girls that are always looking for the easy way out and if you find eyeshadow particular difficult. 

Zeynab x

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