20 October 2017


beauty blog zoella beauty blog tanya burr how to start a beauty blog

If you were looking for a reason to start a beauty blog, I have 15 for you! I have been blogging for a little over 2 years now ( I can't believe how fast the time goes by) and it has been pretty amazing. I love creating posts for my blog, it's a creative outlet.

It's crazy how I stumbled upon the whole blogging community, it was love at first sight and I haven't looked back since. I think the blogging community has come so far, in the last couple of years and it's become this enormous ''industry'' but for me it's my little space online where I can share my love for beauty. Being a beauty blogging has opened a whole new world of opportunity for me and I have loved every second. For this post I thought I would put together some of my favourite things about being a beauty blogger.

1. Perfect excuse to buy more makeup.
2. Meeting new people that you wouldn't have otherwise.
3. Talking with people all over the world because of a common interest.
4. Ability to describe a beauty product beyond '' it looks nice''.
5. Opportunity to work with cool brands on exciting projects.
6. Discovering new beauty brands.
7. Given the chance to test out new products before their release dates. 
8. Attending amazing events.
9. Being part of one of the best and most supportive blogging communities.
10. Taking your photography skills to the next level.
11. Developing an eye for photography styling.
12. Being able to code a website, and trust me not easy. 
13. Getting the loveliest comments on your posts.
14.  Creating content about your favourite lipstick.
15. Obviously the blog readers, they are just some of the loveliest people online. 

I love blogging and I am definitely excited to see where my blogging journey will take me. I appreciate everyone that comes to check out my little space on the big wide web. If you are blogger, let me know what you favourite thing about blogging is?

Zeynab x

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