24 August 2017


Being a skincare junkie, I am always on the hunt for the best serum for my face (basically all things skincare). What is a serum? Hell, I always thought it was just a fancier moisturiser. Being the skincare guru, that I am (kidding) I can inform you, beautiful people, that a serum is a skincare product applied after cleansing and before you apply any sort moisturiser. Serums work to specifically deliver powerful ingredients targeted at specific skin issues. Serums are made up of smaller molecules that can penetrate deeper into the skin to deliver so they can work their magic more effectively.


''A rose enriched anti-ageing serum formulated to aid in cell renewal and regeneration. Visibly tones, firms and restructures the skin, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles''. 

With a description like that, I was always going to try it out. Ok, I might not have fine lines or any signs of wrinkles yet but you know what they say prevention is the best cure (You guys know the saying, I can't remember it for the life of me).

I have been using this serum for an over a month now, and honestly, my skin hasn't looked better. If you read my blog, you know that I have just completed a course of roccatune (I say just now but that was back in January, OMG this year has just flown by). My skin hasn't recovered fully, it was left super dry and dehydrated (but it did wonders for my acne and my skin is so so clear check out my post). This serum works to improve the skin's elasticity and structure (very technical) by securing more moisture in the skin, which is amazing for my dry skin. My skin looks so much better, my makeup sits so much better on my skin (Don't you just hate it when your makeup doesn't sit on your skin nicely, all patchy and everything?)

rose serum

Also because of the added active ingredients, which include Botanical Hyaluronic Acid, and Glycolic Acid that work to help brighten the skin tone (all about that bright glowing skin). It also has added organic Rosehip seed oil, that works to help with dark scarring. I have loads of those, left behind from my battle with acne. With continuous use Rosehip oil, really does work to brighten any dark scarring and spots. 

I adore the consistency of this serum, super smooth and just applies like a dream. The serum feels super cooling and refreshing. Typically, I am the biggest fan of rose scents. I find to be too much and very you know. This rose scent is not offence at all, and most importantly doesn't linger. 

I am always on the lookout for new skincare, really good skincare products! So, please leave me your recommendations.

Zeynab x

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