28 July 2016


facials for acne prone skin

I never go for facial. I have skin that will just about react to everything. I am surprised it hasn't reacted to the air. For this reason, I tend to avoid things that might irritate my skin i.e facials. However I was intrigued by the SkinBreeze facial, especially as my skin got along so well with the brightening serum from the brand(full review).

The SkinBreeze acne and blemish facial*, focuses on tackling problematic skin by stimulating tissue healing. While also working to calm inflammations and redness in the skin. I was a little apprehensive going into the situation, but the therapy room was incredible. There was an overwhelming sense of calmness that filled the room. Also the aesthetician was amazing. She was incredibly calm and she did a great job at explaining the procedure and what the effects would be on my skin - basically sold it to me.

The treatment started of with a deep cleanse to clean the skin, and get rid of any impurities. Followed by orbital microdermabrasion, which sounds a whole load scarier than it actually is. Basically it's a rotating smooth head, very similar to the clarisonic but very very smooth and precise. Next, the aesthetician used blue LED light therapy on my skin. This calms the skin while killing bacteria -apparently acne isn't a fan of blue LED light - reduces any redness in the skin and increases cell renewal. This is something my skin definitely needed. A serum specifically suited to my skin concern, was worked onto my skin using lymphatic drainage massage techniques (it was heavenly, I was trying so hard not to dose off). To aid the absorption of the serum, bursts of oxygen were sprayed onto my skin. This helps to ensure the serum is absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin.

To my dismay, my 30 minutes of bliss was finally over. My skin felt plumper, smooth and totally refreshed. As it was a blemish targeted facial, I didn't see the effect on my blemishes straightaway but my skin did look a lot less red. A week after the facial, my skin is definitely a lot more calmer and less sensitive. I have also noticed a significant reduction in redness. There is something to this facial thing, I think I might be going for more - another expensive hobby I could really do without.

I would totally recommend checking out the SkinBreeze facial, it's nice to treat yourself once in a while. Let me know what your favourite facials are, I am on a woman on a mission. I have been missing out for far too long. I forgot to mention, I had the facial at The Salon located in London Bridge.

Zeynab x

* The facial was a sample (if you can call it that) but all opinions are my own, check out my full disclaimer here. 

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