30 December 2015


So you probably have heard it hundred times before, but I can't believe how fast 2015 has gone by. 2016 is literally days away isn't funny how life just seems to be going by faster and faster. In terms of blogging 2015 has been a great year for me, I have invested more time and effort into my blog and I have definitely noticed the positive outcomes. I wanted to share you guys some of most popular posts from 2015.

1. Skincare Edit: Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel Review (my FAVOURITE cleanser).

2. Banish Acne Scar Skincare Set Review.

3. My Autumn Face Complete With a Berry Lip.

4. Nude Lipsticks For darker Skin Tones (I still find it really hard to pull of the nude lip).

5. Autumn/Winter Skincare Routine.

6. TED Talks To Listen To When You Are Not Feeling Good About Yourself.

7. Ultimate Berry Toned Lipsticks.

8. Guide To Wearing The Perfect Berry Pout.

I would love to know what posts you like reading on my blog and what your favourite posts have been (if you have one). Thank you for reading for my blog, I am immensely grateful for the support and I look forward to bring you some great content next year.

Zeynab x

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