8 November 2015


Image by Florian Klauer

You know that feeling when everything seems to just click into place, well that's how I have been feeling this past week. I am definitely elated and it's a major difference in tone from my past weekend's musing posts (check it out here) but that's a good thing (good vibes is what it's all about)!

However I have this nagging voice in the back of mind, constantly questioning when this just gonna fall apart. I am finally applying for my masters, I have my references sorted and I have  nearly finished with the application. You don't understand how long this has taken me to do, it has been a combination for not feeling good enough and not having the right experience. Today I am in a good place and I feel so confident and have a positive outlook. I truly believe if you go in with a positive outlook, then you can achieve whatever you want (I know, I know it's cheesy but honestly it works) just don't give up on yourself.

Links Worth Checking Out: 

Foods that you might have been pronouncing wrong.

The whole Essena O'Neil deal, what do you make of it? 

A more Scandinavian home for less, yes please! 

The new beauty blog guideline. 

What successful people do before breakfast. 

The Beauty Load on Instagram:
beauty bloggers

Let me how you have been doing, and I hope you have a lovely Sunday (check out my top 10 things to do on Sunday).

Zeynab x

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