11 October 2015


Firstly I want to start off by saying thank you, for all the lovely comments you guys left on last weekend's post (check that out here), and they say the internet is a bad place. Naturally, with all the negativity that surrounds the internet it's hard not to think of it as this black hole which has on more than several occasions resulted in atrocious outcomes leaving people shocked. On the other hand, it's difficult to deny that the internet has been revolutionary and personally for me I think the positive outweighs the negative but that is relative. I definitely believe that the internet is what you make of it.

I have definitely gone off on a tangent, hopefully you guys don't mind. The last couple of weeks, I have been pretty hard on myself and questioning everything on a deeper philosophically level. It has left me in a limbo, which has been a good and a bad thing. Once is a while it's a good thing to look at your life in terms of the bigger picture and I feel like I have gotten 'some' answers (we will see how that goes).

Links Worth Checking out:

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This week I am going to full devote myself to my blog and get some posts out this week that I have been working on. What have you guys got planned for this week?

Zeynab x

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Image source (Aaron Burden)

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