18 May 2015

Relaxing Evening Pampering Session

best hydrating mask, facial oil for sensitive skin, best drugstore facial oil

Once in a while, I like to treat myself to a relaxing evening session. After a long hard day at work, it's just really nice to have that little time to yourself where you can just relax and forget (ok maybe unrealistic) about all your problems. 

One of my favourite cleansers ever, it gets rid of my makeup (you do need to double cleanse though). It's super gentle on the skin and it leaves your face so smooth and soft. I have full review of it up on the blog, check it out.

I love a good detox clay mask, but I find that most of them are really harsh for my sensitive skin except for a selected few. I really like this one from Cattier, the face mask has been specifically formulated so that it's suitable for sensitive skin and it never leaves me with any tightness or redness. It does a pretty good job at getting rid of all the gunk in your face and, bringing any spots to the surface. My face always feels fresh and clean afterwards.

vichy cleanser, cattier yellow clay mask, sanctuary spa oil review neals yard hydrating mask review
At the moment, my face is 50 shades of dry and dehydrated (terrible, I know). Which is not a good look trust me, nothing sits right on my face at the moment. Thats why I need all the hydration I can get, I love using this mask especially after a clay mask because it feel hydrating and refreshing. The consistency is quite sticky but in a good way. It contains hyaluronic acid, algae and tri-peptide (we are getting scientific today), which work together to smooth, hydrate and tighten the skin. It's one of those masks, where you can see the results almost instantly. It leaves my skin looking and feeling super smooth and soft. I have noticed that my skin does feel a lot less dehydrated whenever I use this mask. 

I love a good facial oil, it just feel so luxurious and a perfect addition to a relaxing routine. I have been using this oil, for a while now (and it's still quite full) and my skin absolutely loves it. I have done a full review on the already, but it's pretty amazing for the price. 

boots botanic relieving bath soak review
Himalayan Pink Bath Salts:
I am not a big bath person, I find it quite boring just sitting there in the bath. For these evening routines, I like to take a book or a magazine or just catch up on Netflix. I have been really getting using bath salts, I think I have noticed the benefits but they are just hard to detect but I always feel super relaxed and calm so that's a good thing (maybe it's just in my head). I love adding essentials oils to plain bath salts, just cos I am fancy like that you know but it seriously adds to pamper session feel.

Boots Botantic Relieving Bath Soaks:
I am sucker for bubble baths, but most of the products are just so sweet and overpowering I am not into that. I don't know why I picked up this Boots bath soak, in fact I was looking for something else but I am glad because it smells amazing! I don't think I will be able to do it justice but my god so up my street. It's fresh but there is some floral notes but not over the top, more like a green fresh garden scent. You only need a small amount, it lathers up so good and it doesn't leave my skin feeling dry at the end.

If I am feeling really fancy, I will light up a candle. I picked up  Vila Hermanos S.A 1884 from Tkmaxx, how pretty is the packaging?  Again, my scent describing skills are so poor, that I don't even know if you will get the idea. But it's fresh, a spa like scent but a little masculine.

Let me know what you like to do when you having a relaxing evening in, I would love to know.

Zeynab x

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  1. Lovely photos, I really want to try bath salts!

    Anika | www.anikamay.co.uk

  2. Those bath salts look great and I love that clay face mask!
    prettymadthings.blogspot.co.uk // x

  3. Need the pink Himalayan bath salts!

    pretty pictures and great post!


  4. Kimberly Nelms26 May 2015 at 02:36

    Too bad my bath is broken (only the shower works!) so I can't try the bath salts, but the firming mask seems interesting
