29 May 2015

15 Things To Be Happy About Today

feel happy 15 things that will make you feel happy right now

I can't believe it's Friday already, the week went by so fast. I am trying to cheer myself up, my half term is nearly over and that means back to work and early mornings (I love my job, really). I decided to write down 15 things that would make anyone feel happy in any given situation. I am going to be making the most of my weekend, by doing absolutely nothing.

1. The fact that's it's Friday.
2. Family barbecues
3. It's officially summer, well sort of.
4. Picnic in the park.
5. Good coffee. 
6. Fresh Flowers. 
7. The weekend.
8. Not having to set an alarm (while I can).
9. The cold side of the pillow.
10. Late night pizza.
11. Ticking off tasks on your to do list.
12. Back massages.
13. Weekend getaways.
14. Catching up with old friends.

 Let me know if there is anything else you would add to this list and what your favourites are. Have a great weekend, and make sure to follow my blog on bloglovin to keep up with all my new posts :)

Zeynab x

P.S If like me you are doing nothing this weekend, why don't you indulge in a little TV binge session with these great options. 



  1. For me it's:
    1. triple chocolate cookies
    2. a shiny new issue of Empire to read
    3. blasting out Nina Nesbitt while pampering myself
    4. writing another post on my blog
    5. knowing that the days are disappearing till I take off for America


  2. 5 always helps ;) thanks for sharing!


  3. This really helped cheer me up! I'd have to say tulips, Disney movies and a good YouTube marathon always make me happy :) x

  4. Late night pizza! Morning pizza. Any time is pizza time. Fab list. :]

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  5. This is such a lovely and positive post :) I'm so excited that we're meant to be getting some warmer weather towards the end of the week and am really hoping to spend the weekend eating ice cream on the beach :D
    Love Holly x


  6. I love positive posts like this. As a person guilty of being negative it's great to remember all the good things and interesting to see what other people love. Great post! x

  7. Oh 90's playlists are the best at cheering me up! Nothing says happy like a mixtape of N Sync and Backstreet Boys!
    Love this post!


  8. I love 90s music, I have planned a 90s playlist post for next week definitely check it out. x

  9. Thank you, I am exactly the same I will focus on the negatives constantly which is such a bad thing to do. I find writing posts like this good for me also. x

  10. Netflix is definitely up there for me as well x

  11. Thank you, love morning pizza can't believe I forgot that x

  12. I am glad it cheered you up !! x
