31 December 2014

5 Awesome Reads For Getting A Head Start For 2015

world of wanderlust blog
new years blog post
I know everyone says this quite a lot but I can't believe 2014 is nearly over. I am pretty excited for 2015, I have a new job and I am feeling really positive about 2015 (I don't have a clue why but hey ho). I didn't have the best start at the beginning of 2014 and it wasn't the best of years for me. I am really glad to be saying goodbye to 2014 and hello to a brighter future (so cheesy, I am sorry). I am definitely looking to makes several changes that will improve my life and as well as my blog. I have already started to think about the changes I can make, and there is a lot of good advice out there especially on blogs. For this post I have put together some of the blog posts that I have used to decide on what changes, I will be making for the new year and just to reflect on 2014.

29 Things to Remember for The New Year - Definitely points that I will try to remember next year.

Your Year in Review: 50 questions to help you reflect, appreciate and get excited for 2015 - Questions that will actually get you thinking about 2014, and the changes you can make for a better 2015.

What I Have Learnt about Blogging in 2014 - A great post on the direction that blogging is heading in.

Four Steps to be More Carefree and Happy in 2015 - How I want to approach the new year, some great tips that we should all consider.

10 Proven Ways to Make or Break a Habit - I definitely need to break a couple of bad habits in 2015.

I am determined to make the best of 2015, it's a brand new year and the possibilities are endless (I am so sorry for the cheese). Have a great night, happy New Year !

Zeynab x

P.S Check out what products made it to my 2014 Favourites .


  1. I'm definitely going to give these a read before the night is over (:

  2. I must take a look at these :)

  3. Dani photoandbeauty3 January 2015 at 18:38

    Love the first link ( I'm a fan from Brooke) and I will have a look at the others :)
