29 December 2014

5 Awesome Blogs You Have to Check Out

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I love reading, it's one of my favourite things to do. 2014 has definitely been the year of blogs for me, I have come across so many great new and old blogs (definitely taken over my life just a little bit). There is just something about blogs, they are just alluring (or maybe I am just nosey) and I find it's a great way to discover new things. There are so many great blogs on my blog roll, but it's constantly changing and mainly getting bigger. In today's post I have included some of my new recent favourite reads that you have to check out.

I have a major blog crush on Caroline's blog Burkatron, I think she is just amazing. I love everything about her blog, the writing style, the photography and just all of it really. She has a great mixture of topics that she covers on her blog, I especially love her interior post (I want to live in her house) and cute amazing nail designs.

9outoften: I came across WengYee blog on Instagram, her feed is just beautiful. She has great taste in makeup and just a great way of talking about makeup just as if you were talking with your friend.  

World of Wanderlust:
I wish I could just take off and travel the world, that is one of my life dreams but realistic that is not really an option. I have been living my travel dreams through Brooke's amazing travel blog World of Wanderlust. I can't remember how I came across this wonderful blog but it has taken permanent residence on my blog roll. I love her writing style, her photos are just amazing and she makes me wanna visit just about very city and country she mentions on her blog.

Sleep and water:
I tend to get bored with beauty blogs as they can be quite similar, but one beauty blog I always come back to is Lena's blog Sleep and Water. She just has a great way of reviewing products in a way that comes across as honest and without it sounding like sales pitch. I always go to her blog before buying anything, to see what her opinions are.

My slumbering hearts:
My most recent blog find, is Lea's blog my slumbering hearts. There is just something about French bloggers, she certainly has this blogging thing down. She comes across as been really friendly and very sweet. I especially love her recipe posts, so many delicious treats and I can't wait to make them all.

Zeynab x

Let me know what your favourite blogs are, and make sure you leave me your links.                                        


  1. Thank you for doing this post! I love coming across new bloggers :)

    Francesca xo // EffStar Beauty

  2. I love Caroline's blog! She has the most amazing style! x


  3. Thank you so much for mentioning me, I'm flattered! Happy new year babe x

    find me on 9outoften.com

  4. You are welcome, happy New Year to you too !

  5. I love this kind of post, finding new reads is my favourite! Off to check them all out now x

    Charlotte / coloursandcarousels

  6. Just had a look at all the blogs you mentioned and they are beautiful with great content. Thank you for introducing me to them. xx Dandy I www.dandelionblue.co.uk
