12 March 2015

TV Hunk of The Week: Jesse Williams (Dr Jackson Avery, Greys Anatomy)

Jesse williams new baby, jesse william Dr Jackson Avery greys Anatomy Shonda Rhimes Jesse williams's wife

Hi guys,
Everyone that knows me knows that I am currently obsessed with Greys Anatomy and I may have develop a slight crush on Jesse Williams who plays Jackson Avery on the show. So obliviously I had to make him my tv hunk of the week. He is undeniable gorgeous, those eyes and his killer smile gets me all the time (this is so cheesy sorry). While I was waiting for the show to return from the long long hiatus, I watched some of interviews with actors on the show and I may have watched all of Jesse's (yes we are on first name bases now). Yes, obviously I have no life and this is where I fell big time for Jesse, he comes across as so sweet, so funny and so intelligent. Obviously I don't know him personally (maybe we have change that, oh god I would probably embarrass myself so I might have to stay away) but he seems pretty perfect. My crush on him is getting ridiculous I am even giggling like a teenage girl as I write this down, OMG what has he done to me I am not like this over celebrities. 

Watching the amount of interviews I have watched, I have learnt quite a bit about Jesse (I may have engaged in borderline stalkerish behaviour). He is so passionate about making a change for the black community, he is involved in a number of projects which aims to help and increase awareness of the issues which affects black people. And yes I actually listened to what he had to say not just stare into his beautiful face the whole time because what he had to say was really interesting and it is nice to see that he using his fame to make everyone aware of these issues. Ok I will admit that I did giggle and smile like a crazy woman at everything he had to say.  

Check him out on Greys Anatomy (which is pretty awesome) ! 

Zeynab x


  1. wow, I had no idea! I'm a TV show junkie, I watch way too many and Grey's Anatomy is one of my favorites! it's so great when your favorite characters turn out to be great people in real life :)

    Eve x | ChantellEve

    1. Definitely he seems so cool and just awesome !! I love greys anatomy too, you should check out my TV addicts tag I think you would like it xx
